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Study on the total water pollutant load allocation in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary and adjacent seawater area

Estuarine, coastal and shelf science, v.86 no.3, 2010년, pp.331 - 336  

Deng, Y. (Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences, Beijing 100012, China) ,  Zheng, B. ,  Fu, G. ,  Lei, K. ,  Li, Z.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

With the rapid economic development, the water quality is worsening and red tide takes place frequently in the Changjiang Estuary and adjacent seawaters. To improve the marine water quality, the total inland pollutant load should be controlled effectively. With efficiency and fairness in considerati...


참고문헌 (14)

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  6. Journal of Marine Systems Lei 75 265 2009 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2008.10.006 Quasi-simultaneous observation of currents, salinity and nutrients in the Changjiang (Yangtze River) plume on the tidal timescale 

  7. Chinese Journal of Hydrodynamics Lin 23 522 2008 Water quality and ecological modelling for Yangtze Estuary and its adjacent sea 

  8. Meng 2008 Technique of Total Amount Control for Water Pollutants in Watershed and its Application 

  9. Qi 2003 China Coastal Red Tide 

  10. SEPA 2002 Environmental Function Zoning in the China Coastal Seawaters 

  11. Resources and Environment in the Yangzte Basin Wang 15 614 2006 Changjiang ecology and environment - present situation and challenges 

  12. Zhang 2007 Linear Programming 

  13. Progress in Oceanography Zhang 74 449 2007 10.1016/j.pocean.2007.04.019 Nutrient gradients from the eutrophic Changjiang (Yangtze River) Estuary to the oligotrophic Kuroshio waters and re-evaluation of budgets for the East China Sea Shelf 

  14. Continental Shelf Research Zhou 28 1483 2007 10.1016/j.csr.2007.02.009 Coastal ecosystem responses to Changjiang nutrient inputs from large temperate and subtropical rivers 

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