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[해외논문] Evaluation of segment-based gap-filled Landsat ETM+ SLC-off satellite data for land cover classification in southern Saskatchewan, Canada

International journal of remote sensing, v.29 no.7, 2008년, pp.2041 - 2054  

Bedard, F. (Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, Ottawa, Canada) ,  Reichert, G. (Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, Ottawa, Canada) ,  Dobbins, R. (Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, Ottawa, Canada) ,  Trepanier, I. (Statistics Canada, Agriculture Division, Ottawa, Canada)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper describes single-date and multi-date land-cover classification accuracy results using segment-based, gap-filled Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper data compared with Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper data captured one day apart. Maximum likelihood and Decision tree classification algorithms were...

참고문헌 (11)

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  3. Proceedings of the 2006 ESRI User conference Hansen D. T. 

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  5. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing Maxwell S. 1109 70 2004 

  6. Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing Orazetti J. 2005 

  7. Pal, Mahesh, Mather, Paul M. An assessment of the effectiveness of decision tree methods for land cover classification. Remote sensing of environment, vol.86, no.4, 554-565.

  8. Reedman , L. 2006. “Measuring Agricultural Land in Saskatchewan CAR2B.”. Statistics Canada working paper (confidential), Ottawa, Canada 

  9. Storey , J. Scaramuzza , P. Schmidt , G. and Barsi , J. 2005. “Landsat 7 Scan Line Corrector‐Off Gap‐Filled Product Development.”. In Pecora 16 Global Priorities in Land Remote Sensing Proceedings. American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, United States 

  10. Journal EARSel ‐ Advances in Remote Sensing Toutin T. 118 4 1995 

  11. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography Trigg S. N. 59 27 2006 10.1111/j.1467-9493.2006.00239.x 

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