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[해외논문] Inter-rater reliability of the Full Outline of UnResponsiveness score and the Glasgow Coma Scale in critically ill patients: a prospective observational study 원문보기

Critical care CC, v.14 no.2, 2010년, pp.R64 - R64  

Fischer, Michael (Department of Medical Intensive Care, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland) ,  Rüegg, Stephan (Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland) ,  Czaplinski, Adam (Department of Neurology, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland) ,  Strohmeier, Monika (Department of Medical Intensive Care, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland) ,  Lehmann, Angelika (Department of Medical Intensive Care, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland) ,  Tschan, Franziska (Department of Psychology, University of Neuchatel, Rue de la Maladiè) ,  Hunziker, Patrick R (re, Neuchatel, 2000, Switzerland) ,  Marsch, Stephan C (Department of Medical Intensive Care, University Hospital, Spitalstrasse, Basel, 4031, Switzerland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

IntroductionThe Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is the most widely used scoring system for comatose patients in intensive care. Limitations of the GCS include the impossibility to assess the verbal score in intubated or aphasic patients, and an inconsistent inter-rater reliability. The FOUR (Full Outline o...

참고문헌 (16)

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