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[해외논문] Effect of Dechlorination and Sulfate Reduction on the Microbial Community Structure in Denitrifying Membrane-Biofilm Reactors

Environmental science & technology, v.44 no.13, 2010년, pp.5159 - 5164  

Zhang, Husen ,  Ziv-El, Michal ,  Rittmann, Bruce E. ,  Krajmalnik-Brown, Rosa

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Recent studies showed that the chlorinated solvents trichloroethene (TCE), 1,1,1-trichloroethane (TCA), and chloroform (CF) were reductively dehalogenated in a H2-based membrane biofilm reactor (MBfR) under denitrifying conditions. Here, we describe a detailed phylogenetic characterization of MBfR b...

참고문헌 (56)

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