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[해외논문] Intervertebral Disc Degeneration : The Role of the Mitochondrial Pathway in Annulus Fibrosus Cell Apoptosis Induced by Overload 원문보기

The American journal of pathology, v.164 no.3, 2004년, pp.915 - 924  

Rannou, François (Division of Biomedical Sciences, University of California, Riverside, California) ,  Lee, Tzong-Shyuan (Division of Biomedical Sciences, University of California, Riverside, California) ,  Zhou, Rui-Hai (Division of Biomedical Sciences, University of California, Riverside, California) ,  Chin, Jennie (Orthopedic Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California) ,  Lotz, Jeffrey C. (Orthopedic Bioengineering Laboratory, Department of Orthopedic Surgery, University of California, San Francisco, California) ,  Mayoux-Benhamou, Marie-Anne (Rehabilitation and Spine Center, Cochin Hospital, University of Paris V, Paris, France) ,  Barbet, Jacques Patrick (Division of Histology-Embryology-Cytogenetics, Cochin Hospital, University of Paris V, Paris, France) ,  Chevrot, Alain (Division of Radiology, Cochin Hospital, University of Paris V, Paris, France) ,  Shyy, John Y.-J. (Address reprint requests to John Y-J. Shyy, Ph.D., Division of Biomedical Sciences, University of California, Riverside, Riverside, CA 92521-0121)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Degeneration of the intervertebral disk (IVD) is a major pathological process implicated in low back pain and is a prerequisite to disk herniation. Although mechanical stress is an important modulator of the degeneration, the underlying molecular mechanism remains unclear. The association of human I...

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