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K 현대 미술관 전시공간의 자연채광 성능 평가에 관한 연구

大韓建築學會論文集 : Journal of the architectural institute of Korea : Planning & design / 計劃系, v.19 no.2 = no.172, 2003년, pp.211 - 218  


AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Daylight is one of major parameters in art gallery design. To enhance space quality many architects have tried to predict daylight performance in art gallery. This paper is to predict daylight performance in the atrium of K Contemporary Art Gallery. After the actual measurements, a 1/30 scale model was made and model experiments were carried out. Then, computer simulations were carried to compare the actual and the model measurements with results of simulations. The used programs were SUPERLITE IEA 2.0 and RADIANCE and each of data were simulated in the clear sky with sun condition. Results show that illuminance ratio between inside and outside illuminance have distributions of 0.29~0.36% in the actual measurements. Also, illuminance ratio have distributions of 0.38~0.52% in the scale model tests and 0.34~0.46% in SUPERLITE and 0.39~0.49% in RADIANCE simulations. Each of distributions has a similar result. According to results to evaluate direct sun effect, damage of exhibition space by sunlight was much on the summer solstice. Sunlight flowed into floor of exhibition space could be reduced 19% amount of direct sun by installing vertical louver and 81% amount of direct sun by vertical + horizontal louver more than no louver condition. Also sunlight flowed into exhibition wall was reduced 24% amount of sunlight by vertical louver and 58% amount of sunlight by vertical + horizontal louver. With the analysis of luminance ratio by computer simulation, luminance of daylighting source was influenced by louver. Specially, luminance of daylighting source was increased some quantity by installing vertical louver and background luminance decreased greatly by horizontal louver. Therefore, computer programs can be used effectively in the early design and design development phase to pedict daylighting performance in a large exhibition space of art gallery.

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