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[국내논문] 건물에서의 풍력발전 적용에 관한 연구

大韓建築學會論文集 : Journal of the architectural institute of Korea : Planning & design / 計劃系, v.19 no.6 = no.176, 2003년, pp.139 - 146  


AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study aims to present the applicability of wind turbine generator system to urban buildings for the utilization of clean renewable energy. The results are as follows; According to the wind resource analysis, it has been found that small sized wind power system can be viable for buildings application due to the amplification of wind velocity around buildings or building clusters, in spite of low mean velocity of 2-3m/s in Seoul and Kyunggi urban areas. But planners must perform micrositing analysis around building so that wind turbine can be located at high velocity zones. The system must be designed to avoid obstacles preventing prevailing wind in buildings. It should be recognized that wind speeds are changing depending on the height and length from buildings. The wind power system can be used as a symbol of landmark which shows a sustainable architecture from the scenary itself. A case study for apartment building in urban showed that wind power systems can be applicable in two kinds of place, rooftops and ground levels. Especially, the wind power systems must be carefully positioned so that wind resources do not decrease when it is installed at ground levels. And according to life cycle cost analysis, adaption of new small wind power systems to buildings were proved to produce a profit if it is considered the expense environment improvement and the wind speed increasing according to rise of building height. This research will ultimately achieve green architecture that preserves nature and at the same time provides pleasant environment to humans, and will play a great role in establishing the environment-preserving sustainable architecture of the 21th century

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