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A clinical evaluation of the comparable efficacy of hyaluronic acid‐based foam and ceramide‐containing emulsion cream in the treatment of mild‐to‐moderate atopic dermatitis

Journal of cosmetic dermatology : the official journal of the European Society for Cosmetic & Aesthetic Dermatology, v.10 no.3, 2011년, pp.185 - 188  

Draelos, Zoe Diana (Department of Dermatology, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

SummaryBackground  A variety of prescription devices have been developed to improve barrier function in persons with atopic dermatitis. These products are based primarily on the use of occlusive agents to decrease transepidermal water loss, creating an environment for optimal healing.Aim  ...


참고문헌 (5)

  1. Krejci-Manwaring Stealth monitoring of adherence to topical medication: adherence is very poor in children with atopic dermatitis J Am Acad Deramtol 2007 10.1016/j.jaad.2006.05.073 56 2 211 

  2. Hanifin Guidelines of care for atopic dermatitis, developed in accordance with the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)/American Academy of Dermatology Association “Administrative Regulations for Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines” J Am Acad Dermatol 2004 10.1016/j.jaad.2003.08.003 50 3 391 

  3. Santor Comparisons of epidermal hydration and skin surface lipids in healthy individuals and in patients with atopic dermatitis J Am Acad Deramtol 2003 10.1067/mjd.2003.105 48 3 352 

  4. Maytin Hyaluronan participates in the epidermal response to disruption of the permeability barrier in vivo Am J Pathol 2004 10.1016/S0002-9440(10)63391-3 165 1331 

  5. Data on file Collegium Pharmaceutical 

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