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[해외논문] Endocranial restoration and volume estimation of the Minatogawa IV cranium using micro-CT and 3D printer systems 원문보기

Anthropological science : journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon = 人類學雜誌, v.119 no.2, 2011년, pp.203 - 209  

KUBO, DAISUKE (Department of Biological Sciences, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo) ,  KONO, REIKO T. (Department of Anthropology, National Museum of Nature and Science, Tokyo)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The Minatogawa IV cranium is one of three well-preserved Late Pleistocene Homo sapiens crania from the Minatogawa fissure site, Okinawa Island. This cranium is more damaged than Minatogawa I and exhibits some clear post-mortem distortion. We reconstructed the endocranium of this specimen after corre...


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