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Shear failure analysis on ultra-high performance concrete beams reinforced with high strength steel

Engineering structures, v.33 no.12, 2011년, pp.3597 - 3609  

Xia, J. (University of Central Florida, The Department of Civil, Environmental, and Construction Engineering, 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, FL, 32816-2450, USA) ,  Mackie, K.R. ,  Saleem, M.A. ,  Mirmiran, A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A new deck system for moveable bridges was developed that makes use of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) reinforced with high strength steel (HSS) rebar to achieve the light weight and high strength requirements in moveable bridge applications. However, the typical deck strips of this ...


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