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A New Routing Protocol for PLC-Based AMR Systems

IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society, v.26 no.4, 2011년, pp.2613 - 2620  

Sivaneasan, B. (PLC Res. Group, Nanyang Technol. Univ., Singapore, Singapore) ,  So, P. L. (PLC Res. Group, Nanyang Technol. Univ., Singapore, Singapore) ,  Gunawan, E. (PLC Res. Group, Nanyang Technol. Univ., Singapore, Singapore)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper proposes a new and effective communication protocol for the implementation of an automatic meter reading system using power-line communications (PLC) and presents analytical models to study its performance. The proposed protocol utilizes a novel packet routing system which combines ȁ...

참고문헌 (9)

  1. Performance Modeling of Communication Networks and Computer Architectures harrison 1992 

  2. XIV Int l Symp Services and Local Access Performance analysis of polling based reservation MAC protocols for broadband PLC access networks hrasnica 2002 

  3. Sivaneasan, B, Gunawan, E, So, P L. Modeling and Performance Analysis of Automatic Meter-Reading Systems Using PLC Under Impulsive Noise Interference. IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society, vol.25, no.3, 1465-1475.

  4. 10.1002/047002092X 

  5. Konnex (KNX) Standard Konnex Association 2002 

  6. Zimmermann, M., Dostert, K.. Analysis and modeling of impulsive noise in broad-band powerline communications. IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility, vol.44, no.1, 249-258.

  7. Gao, Q., Yu, J.Y., Chong, P.H.J., So, P.L., Gunawan, E.. Solutions for the “Silent Node” Problem in an Automatic Meter Reading System Using Power-Line Communications. IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society, vol.23, no.1, 150-156.

  8. Bianchi, G., Tinnirello, I., Conigliaro, G.. Design and performance evaluation of an hybrid reservation-polling MAC protocol for power-line communications. International journal of communication systems, vol.16, no.5, 427-445.

  9. Sabolic, D.. Influence of the transmission medium quality on the automatic meter reading system capacity. IEEE transactions on power delivery : a publication of the Power Engineering Society, vol.18, no.3, 725-728.

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