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[해외논문] Autophagy: Renovation of Cells and Tissues 원문보기

Cell, v.147 no.4, 2011년, pp.728 - 741  

Mizushima, Noboru (Department of Physiology and Cell Biology, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo 113-8519, Japan) ,  Komatsu, Masaaki (Protein Metabolism Project, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo 156-8506, Japan)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Autophagy is the major intracellular degradation system by which cytoplasmic materials are delivered to and degraded in the lysosome. However, the purpose of autophagy is not the simple elimination of materials, but instead, autophagy serves as a dynamic recycling system that produces new building b...

참고문헌 (131)

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