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Consumer preference in ranking walking function utilizing the walking index for spinal cord injury II 원문보기

Spinal cord : the official journal of the International Medical Society of Paraplegia, v.49 no.12, 2011년, pp.1164 - 1172  

Patrick, M (Thomas Jefferson University, Regional SCI Center of the Delaware Valley, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA) ,  Ditunno, P (Thomas Jefferson University, Regional SCI Center of the Delaware Valley, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA) ,  Ditunno, J F (Thomas Jefferson University, Regional SCI Center of the Delaware Valley, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA) ,  Marino, R J (Thomas Jefferson University, Regional SCI Center of the Delaware Valley, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, USA) ,  Scivoletto, G (1] IRCCS Fondazione S Lucia, Spinal Cord Unit, Rome, Italy [2] PhD School on Advanced Technology in Rehabilitation Medicine, Tor Vergata University, Rome, Italy) ,  Lam, T (1] University of British Columbia, School of Human Kinetics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada [2] International Collaboration on Repair Discoveries, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada) ,  Loffree, J (1] University of British Columbia, School of Human Kinetics, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada [2] In) ,  Tamburella, F ,  Leiby, B

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Study design:Blinded rank ordering.Objective:To determine consumer preference in walking function utilizing the walkingIndex for spinal cord injury II (WISCI II) in individuals with spinal cord injury (SCI)from the Canada, the Italy and the United States of America.Method:In all, 42 consumers with i...

참고문헌 (45)

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