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[해외논문] High cycle fatigue in aircraft gas turbines-an industry perspective

International journal of fracture, v.80 no.2/3, 1996년, pp.147 - 163  

Cowles, B. A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

AbstractThe largest single cause of component failures in modern military aircraft gas turbine engines is high cycle fatigue (HCF), exceeding the number attributed to low cycle fatigue, corrosion, overstress, manufacturing processes, mechanical damage, and materials. The HCF problem is a pervasive o...

참고문헌 (14)

  1. N. Huber 1995 Document Release ASC 95-2510 Plan to Control High Cycle Fatigue in Engines N. Huber, ‘Plan to Control High Cycle Fatigue in Engines,’ presented at 1995 USAF Structural Integrity Program Conference, San Antonio, Texas, (28-30 November 1995), Document Release ASC 95-2510, WLPOTC, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1995. 

  2. J. Goodman 1899 Mechanics Applied to Engineering J. Goodman, Mechanics Applied to Engineering, Longmans, Green, and Co., London (1899). 

  3. C.G. Annis Jr. 59 1987 AFWAL-TR-87-4069 Engine Component Retirement for Cause, Volume II Life Assessment Systems Development C.G. AnnisJr., M.S. Mills and J.A. HarrisJr., Engine Component Retirement for Cause, Volume II Life Assessment Systems Development, AFWAL-TR-87-4069 Volume II, AFWAL/MLLN, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, August 1987, pp. 59-78. 

  4. J.R. Zuiker and T. Nicholas, On high cycle fatigue design limits under combined high and low cycle fatigue, International Journal of Fatigue (1996). 

  5. M.A. McGaw, S. Kalluri, D. Moore and J. Heine, The Cumulative Fatigue Damage Behavior of MarM247 in Air and High Pressure Hydrogen, Second Symposium on Advances in Fatigue Life Time Predictive Techniques. 

  6. D.P. DeLuca and C.G. Annis, Jr., Fatigue in Single Crystal Nickel Superalloys, Final Contractor Report No. FR23800, United Technologies, Pratt & Whitney, Office of Naval Research, Contract N00014-91-C-0124, (1995). 

  7. International Journal of Fracture T. Nicholas 80 219 1996 10.1007/BF00012670 T. Nicholas and J.R. Zuiker, On the use of the Goodman diagram for high cycle fatigue design, International Journal of Fracture 80 (1996) 219-235. 

  8. Air Force Aircraft Jet Engine Manufacturing and Production Processes, Report of the Ad Hoc Committee, United States Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, SAF/AQQS, the Pentagon, Washington DC 20330-1000, (July 1992). 

  9. Engine Structural Integrity Program (ENSIP), MIL-STD-1783 (USAF), 30 November 1984. 

  10. Materials Science and Engineering A B.A. Cowles 103 63 1988 10.1016/0025-5416(88)90552-6 B.A. Cowles, Life prediction in high temperature environments: Overview of a current gas turbine engine approach, Materials Science and Engineering A103 (1988) 63-69. 

  11. 10.1115/95-GT-244 D.P. Walls, R.E. deLaneuville and S.E. Cunningham, Damage tolerance based life prediction in gas turbine engine blades under vibratory high cycle fatigue, Transactions of the ASME, to appear. 

  12. F.K. Haake 1989 WRDC-TR-89-4085 Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior F.K. Haake, G.C. Salivar, E.H. Hindle, J.W. Fischer and C.G. AnnisJr., Threshold Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior, WRDC-TR-89-4085, Materials Laboratory, Wright Research and Development Center, Air Force Systems Command, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, 1989. 

  13. Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal, Series A Yoshiharu Mutoh 38 4 403 1995 Yoshiharu Mutoh, Mechanisms of fretting fatigue, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers International Journal, Series A. 38:4 (1995) 403-415. 

  14. International Journal of Fracture J.M. Larsen 80 237 1996 10.1007/BF00012671 J.M. Larsen, B.O. Worth, C.G. Annis and F.K. Haake, An assessment of the role of near-threshold crack growth in high-cycle-fatigue life prediction of aerospace titanium alloys under turbine engine spectra, International Journal of Fracture 80 (1996) 237-255. 

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