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[해외논문] Attempts to extend seed potato production in Israel to new areas at high altitudes

Potato research, v.29 no.1, 1986년, pp.33 - 43  

Marco, S.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (19)

  1. A. B. R. Beemster 115 1972 Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production Beemster, A. B. R. & A. Rozendaal, 1972. Potato viruses: properties and symptoms. In: J. A. de Bokx (Ed.), Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands, p. 115-142. 

  2. J. A. Bokx de 26 1972 Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production Bokx, J. A. de, 1972. Test plants. In: J. A. de Bokx (Ed.), Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands, p. 26-35. 

  3. Potato Research J. A. Bokx de 17 410 1974 10.1007/BF02362164 Bokx, J. A. de & J. C. Mooi, 1974. Methods of quality assessment of seed potatoes.Potato Research 17: 410-433. 

  4. Conrowy, R. J., 1954. Purple top wilt of potato. Science Bulletin No 75, New South Wales, Australia, p. 1-47. 

  5. J. Hiddema 206 1972 Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production Hiddema, J., 1972. Inspection and quality grading of seed potatoes. In: J. A. de Bokx (Ed.), Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands, p. 206-214. 

  6. D. Hille Ris Lambers 36 1972 Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production Hille Ris Lambers, D. 1972. Aphids: their life cycles and their role as virus vectors. In: J. A. de Bokx (Ed.), Viruses of potatoes and seed-potato production. Pudoc, Wageningen, Netherlands, p. 36-56. 

  7. Potato Research D. Levy 25 107 1982 10.1007/BF02357278 Levy, D. & S. Marco, 1982. The quality of seed tubers multiplied in the Golan Heights for the spring season in Israel.Potato Research 25: 107-112. 

  8. Phytoparasitica S. Marco 8 61 1980 10.1007/BF02986236 Marco, S. 1980a. The use of insecticides to control potato leaf roll virus in seed-potato crops on the Golan Heights.Phytoparasitica 8: 61-71. 

  9. Potato Research S. Marco 24 11 1980 10.1007/BF02362013 Marco, S., 1980b. A comparison of some methods for detection of potato leaf roll virus in potato tubers in Israel.Potato Research 24: 11-19. 

  10. Potato Research S. Marco 24 353 1981 10.1007/BF02360372 Marco, S., 1981a. Incidence of potato virus Y and potato leaf roll virus in autumn potatoes in Israel.Potato Research 24: 353-356. 

  11. Phytopathologia mediterranea S. Marco 20 181 1981 Marco, S., 1981b. Spindling sprouts: a factor limiting the growth of seed potatoes in the Gilboa area of Israel.Phytopathologia mediterranea 20: 181-183. 

  12. Phytopathologia mediterranea S. Marco 17 198 1979 Marco, S. & Y. Bental, 1979. Virus diseases in relation to problems encountered in growing potatoes from local seeds in Israel.Phytopathologia mediterranea 17: 198-199. 

  13. Hassadeh S. Marco 57 1047 1977 Marco, S., M. Weiss & R. Ben-Yehuda, 1977. Tests for reducing aphid populations on the Golan Heights in relation to seed potato growth.Hassadeh 57: 1047-1054 (in Hebrew, with English summary). 

  14. Phytopathology G. K. Parris 31 340 1941 Parris, G. K. & W. J. Winston, 1941. Studies of the nature of spindling sprout of potato.Phytopathology 31: 340-346. 

  15. R. Salzmann 1969 Krankheiten und Schädlingen der Kartoffel Salzmann, R. & E. R. Keller, 1969. Krankheiten und Schädlingen der Kartoffel. Verbandsdruckerei AG, Bern, 150 pp. 

  16. Phytopathology W. C. Snyder 36 897 1946 Snyder, W. C., H. E. Thomas & S. J. Fairchild, 1946. Spindling or hair sprout of potato.Phytopathology 36: 897-904. 

  17. Phytoparasitica S. Zimmerman-Gries 3 74 1975 Zimmerman-Gries, S., M. Klein & B. Sneh, 1975. A complex of yellows diseases in potato fields in the Golan.Phytoparasitica 3: 74-75 (abstract). 

  18. Potato Research S. Zimmerman-Gries 16 189 1973 10.1007/BF02356052 Zimmerman-Gries, S., J. Oppenheimer & Z. Zutha, 1973. Trials to grow certified seedpotatoes in the Golan Heights.Potato Research 16: 189-201. 

  19. Zimmerman-Gries, S., B. Raccah & S. Marco, 1981.Hyalesthes obsoletus, a possible vector of the purple top disease of potato in Israel. Proceedings of the Internation Symposium on Potatoes in Hot Climates, Herzliya, Israel (abstract). 

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