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[해외논문] Transcriptomic Evidence for the Expression of Horizontally Transferred Algal Nuclear Genes in the Photosynthetic Sea Slug, Elysia chlorotica 원문보기

Molecular biology and evolution, v.29 no.6, 2012년, pp.1545 - 1556  

Pierce, Sidney K. ,  Fang, Xiaodong ,  Schwartz, Julie A. ,  Jiang, Xuanting ,  Zhao, Wei ,  Curtis, Nicholas E. ,  Kocot, Kevin M. ,  Yang, Bicheng ,  Wang, Jian

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Analysis of the transcriptome of the kleptoplastic sea slug, Elysia chlorotica, has revealed the presence of at least 101 chloroplast-encoded gene sequences and 111 transcripts matching 52 nuclear-encoded genes from the chloroplast donor, Vaucheria litorea. These data clearly show that the symbiotic...

참고문헌 (28)

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