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An Exploratory Study on the Quality of Life and Individual Coping of Cancer Patients During Mistletoe Therapy 원문보기

Integrative cancer therapies, v.11 no.2, 2012년, pp.90 - 100  

Brandenberger, Mathias (Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil, Richterswil, Switzerland) ,  Simões-Wüst, Ana Paula (Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil, Richterswil, Switzerland) ,  Rostock, Matthias (University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland) ,  Rist, Lukas (Paracelsus Hospital Richterswil, Richterswil, Switzerland) ,  Saller, Reinhard (University Hospital Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background. Although several clinical studies have shown that mistletoe therapy ( MT, Viscum album) may improve cancer patients’ quality-of-life (QoL), qualitative information on the improvement’s nature is still lacking. Design. This exploratory, prospective, cohort-study comprised 25 ...

참고문헌 (27)

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