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[해외논문] Electronic Portal Imaging Device (EPID) Portal Image Filtering for Simplifying Registration on Radiation Therapy
放射線治療における位置照合の容易化を目的としたEPIDポータル画像の周波数処理に関する検討 원문보기

日本放射線技術學會雜誌 = Japanese journal of radiological technology, v.68 no.5, 2012년, pp.593 - 601  

Yamada, Masanori ,  Ohkubo, Masaki ,  Kayugawa, Akihiro ,  Yamada, Hiromi ,  Matsuura, Masataka ,  Miura, Takashi ,  Kusumoto, Toshihisa

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

A simple method for improving the quality of electronic portal imaging device (EPID) portal images was proposed for the reduction of the burden on the registration between digital reconstruction radiography (DRR) and EPID portal images in radiation therapy. Conventional image filtering techniques in...

참고문헌 (14)

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