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The lifespan of Korean eunuchs 원문보기

Current biology : CB, v.22 no.18, 2012년, pp.R792 - R793  

Min, K.J. ,  Lee, C.K. ,  Park, H.N.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Although many studies have shown that there are trade-offs between longevity and reproduction, whether such trade-offs exist in humans has been a matter of debate [1,2]. In many species, including humans, males live shorter than females, which could be due to the action of male sex hormones. Castrat...

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Nature Westendorp 396 743 1998 10.1038/25519 Human longevity at the cost of reproductive success 

  2. J. Anti Aging Med. Gavrilov 2 121 1999 10.1089/rej.1.1999.2.121 Is there a reproductive cost for human longevity? 

  3. Ageing Res. Rev. Brown-Borg 6 28 2007 10.1016/j.arr.2007.02.005 Hormonal regulation of longevity in mammals 

  4. Anim. Behav. Roberts 68 883 2004 10.1016/j.anbehav.2004.05.001 Testing the immune competence handicap hypothesis: a review of the evidence 

  5. Cardiol. Rev. Schwarcz 18 251 2010 10.1097/CRD.0b013e3181e84673 Testosterone and coronary artery disease 

  6. Exp. Gerontol. Drori 11 25 1976 10.1016/0531-5565(76)90007-3 Environmental effects on longevity in the male rate: exercise, mating, castration and restricted feeding 

  7. J. Gerontol. Hamilton 24 395 1969 10.1093/geronj/24.4.395 Mortality and survival: comparison of eunuchs with intact men and women in a mentally retarded population 

  8. Nature Nieschlag 366 215 1993 10.1038/366215a0 Lifespan and testosterone 

  9. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. Wilson 84 4324 1999 10.1210/jcem.84.12.6206 Long-term consequences of castration in men: lessons from the Skoptzy and the eunuchs of the Chinese and Ottoman courts 

  10. Gerontol. Ljubuncic 55 205 2009 10.1159/000200772 The evolutionary theories of aging revisited-a mini-review 


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