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Dipole defects in beryl 원문보기

IOP conference series. Materials science and engineering, v.15, 2010년, pp.012092 -   

Holanda, B A ,  Cordeiro, R C ,  Blak, A R

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Dipole defects in gamma irradiated and thermally treated beryl (Be3Al2Si6O18) samples have been studied using the Thermally Stimulated Depolarization Currents (TSDC) technique. TSDC experiments were performed in pink (morganite), green (emerald), blue (aquamarine) and colourless (goshenite) natural ...

참고문헌 (13)

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  10. Viana, R. R., Jordt-Evangelista, H., da Costa, G. Magela, Stern, W. B.. Characterization of beryl (aquamarine variety) from pegmatites of Minas Gerais, Brazil. Physics and chemistry of minerals, vol.29, no.10, 668-679.

  11. Parkin, Kathleen M., Loeffler, Bruce M., Burns, Roger G.. M�ssbauer spectra of kyanite, aquamarine, and cordierite showing intervalence charge transfer. Physics and chemistry of minerals, vol.1, no.3, 301-311.

  12. Don Goldman, S., Rossman, George R., Parkin, Kathleen M.. Channel constituents in beryl. Physics and chemistry of minerals, vol.3, no.3, 225-235.

  13. Edgar, A., Vance, E. R.. Electron paramagnetic resonance, optical absorption, and magnetic circular dichroism studies of the CO 3 ? molecular-ion in irradiated natural beryl. Physics and chemistry of minerals, vol.1, no.2, 165-178.

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