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[해외논문] Silk and silkworm pupa peptides suppress adipogenesis in preadipocytes and fat accumulation in rats fed a high-fat diet

European journal of nutrition, v.51 no.8, 2012년, pp.1011 - 1019  

Lee, Sun Hee ,  Park, Dongsun ,  Yang, Goeun ,  Bae, Dae-Kwon ,  Yang, Yun-Hui ,  Kim, Tae Kyun ,  Kim, Dajeong ,  Kyung, Jangbeen ,  Yeon, Sungho ,  Koo, Kyo Chul ,  Lee, Jeong-Yong ,  Hwang, Seock-Yeon ,  Joo, Seong Soo ,  Kim, Yun-Bae

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The objective was to confirm the anti-obesity activity of a silk peptide (SP) and a silkworm pupa peptide (SPP) in rats fed a high-fat diet (HFD) and to elucidate their action mechanism(s) in a preadipocyte culture system. In an in vitro mechanistic study, the differentiation and maturation of 3T3-L...

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