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Evaluation of the effect of Bi, Sb, Sr and cooling condition on eutectic phases in an Al-Si-Cu alloy (ADC12) by in situ thermal analysis

Thermochimica acta, v.559, 2013년, pp.59 - 68  

Farahany, S. ,  Ourdjini, A. ,  Idrsi, M.H. ,  Shabestari, S.G.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Al-Si and Al-Cu eutectic phases strongly affect the properties of Al-Si-Cu cast alloys. The characteristic parameters of these two eutectic phases with addition of bismuth, antimony and strontium under different cooling rates (0.6-2oC/s) were investigated in ADC12 alloy using in situ thermal analysi...


참고문헌 (26)

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