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[해외논문] l-Carnitine Supplementation During Vitrification of Mouse Oocytes at the Germinal Vesicle Stage Improves Preimplantation Development Following Maturation and Fertilization In Vitro 원문보기

Biology of reproduction, v.88 no.4, 2013년, pp. -   

Moawad, Adel R. ,  Tan, Seang Lin ,  Xu, Baozeng ,  Chen, Hai Ying ,  Taketo, Teruko

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Oocyte cryopreservation is important for assisted reproductive technologies (ART). Although cryopreservation of metaphase II (MII) oocytes has been successfully used, MII oocytes are vulnerable to the damage inflicted by the freezing procedure. Cryopreservation of germinal vesicle stage oocytes (GV-...

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