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IGBT chip current imaging system by scanning local magnetic field

Microelectronics reliability, v.53 no.9/11, 2013년, pp.1409 - 1412  

Shiratsuchi, H. ,  Matsushita, K. ,  Omura, I.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

An IGBT/power diode current distribution imaging system was demonstrated. This system can capture current redistribution or oscillation inside or among chips on a DBC-level sub-module. It can perform failure analysis of power semiconductors by detecting problems such as nonuniform current distributi...

참고문헌 (10)

  1. Proc APEC’98 Xing 1 497 1988 Extraction of parasitics within wire-bond IGBT modules 

  2. Proc 21th ESREF Riccio 1725 2010 Analysis of large area trench-IGBT current distribution under UIS test with the aid of lock-in thermography 

  3. Proc. 23th ESREF Iwahashi 2430 2012 Analysis of current distribution on IGBT under unclamped inductive 

  4. Proc ISPSD’05 Shoji 227 2005 Investigations on current filamentation of IGBTs under unclamped inductive switching conditions 

  5. Proc ISPSD’09 Milady 37 2009 Simulation studies and modeling of short circuit current oscillations in IGBTs 

  6. Proc 22th ESREF Kasho 1689 2011 Tiny-scale “stealth” current sensor to probe power semiconductor device failure 

  7. EPE’97 Ray 9 3.308 1997 Developments in Rogowski current transducers 

  8. Ray WF, Hewson CR. High performance Rogowski current transducers. Conference record of the 2000 IEEE, vol. 5. 2002. p. 3083-90. 

  9. Proc ISPSD’09 Ikeda 65 2009 Non-destructive current measurement for surface mounted power MOSFET on VRM board using magnetic field probing technique 

  10. Power Electric Measurement, <http://www.pemuk.com/products/cwt-current-probe.aspx>. 

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