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[해외논문] Cobalt manganese oxides modified titania catalysts for oxidation of elemental mercury at low flue gas temperature

Chemical engineering journal, v.236, 2014년, pp.29 - 38  

Zhang, A. ,  Zheng, W. ,  Song, J. ,  Hu, S. ,  Liu, Z. ,  Xiang, J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Cobalt manganese oxides modified titania (CoxMnyTi) catalysts synthesized by a deposition-precipitation method were employed to oxidize gas-phase elemental mercury (Hg0) without the aid of HCl at low temperature on a laboratory-scale fixed-bed reactor. The roles of O2, NO, SO2 and H2O in Hg0 oxidati...


참고문헌 (46)

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