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Optimization of genistein solubilization by κ-carrageenan hydrogel using response surface methodology 원문보기

Food science and human wellness, v.2 no.3/4, 2013년, pp.124 - 131  

Chen, F. ,  Peng, J. ,  Lei, D. ,  Liu, J. ,  Zhao, G.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

κ-Carrageenan was explored to improve genistein solubility by matrix retention. The corresponding maximum value in the efficiency of retention (Re) (50.48mg/100mg) was achieved when variables were set as: pH 4.76, temperature 52.12oC and genistein concentration 0.27mg/mL. The coefficient of de...


참고문헌 (34)

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