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Posture Correction Device Based on LabVIEW

Advanced materials research : AMR, v.765/767, 2013년, pp.2555 - 2558  

Zhu, Lei (Xi’an Polytechnic University) ,  Wang, Hui Jun (Xi’an Polytechnic University) ,  Li, Wei Wei (Xi’an Polytechnic University)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In order to protect the health of people who often use computer, a posture correction device based on LabVIEW is proposed in this paper. The posture correction device consists of host computer and slave computer. Host computer is composed by graphical user interface (GUI) programmed by LabVIEW softw...

참고문헌 (5)

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  2. Chunfu, Lu Yihao, Zhu Weizhang. People-Oriented, in Electronic Product Design[C]. 2008 IEEE 9th Conference on CAID&CD. Hangzhou R&D Design Company Ltd. Hangzhou, P. R. China, (2008). 10.1109/caidcd.2008.4730717 

  3. Hermann Kaindl. Combining Requirements and Interaction Design through Usage Scenarios[M]. Human-Computer Interaction-INTERACT 2009, pp.45-47. 10.1007/978-3-642-03658-3_117 

  4. Bernd Henning Andreas Schroder. Ultrasonic distance sensors-An overview and trends[J], journal of electronic measurement and instrument, 2011, Vol. 25 No. 7, pp.58-63. 10.3724/sp.j.1187.2011.00577 

  5. Silicon Labs. Usbxpress Programmeb's Guide (Red. 7). www. silabs. corn, (2007). 

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