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[해외논문] First principles thermodynamic studies for recycling spent nuclear fuels using electrorefining with a molten salt electrolyte

Energy : technologies, resources, reserves, demands, impact, conservation, management, policy, v.68, 2014년, pp.751 - 755  

Noh, S. ,  Kang, J. ,  Kwak, D. ,  Fischer, P. ,  Han, B.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Using first principles DFT (density functional theory), we have examined the thermochemical mechanism of electrorefining spent uranium (U) from a LiCl-KCl molten salt on a tungsten (W) surface. We calculated 197 different U/W(110) surfaces to identify the most thermodynamically and electrochemically...


참고문헌 (32)

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