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Micelle-Mediated Extraction of Dibenzocyclooctadiene Lignans from Schisandra chinensis with Analysis by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography 원문보기

Journal of chromatographic science, v.52 no.7, 2014년, pp.745 - 750  

Lee, K. Y. ,  Shin, Y.-J. ,  Kim, D. H. ,  Park, J.-H. ,  Kim, S. H. ,  Han, S. B. ,  Sung, S. H.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Micelle-mediated extraction offers a convenient alternative to conventional extraction systems. A new method based on micelle-mediated extraction was developed for the separation and determination of dibenzocyclooctadiene lignans from Schisandra chinensis by high-performance liquid chromatography wi...

참고문헌 (36)

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