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[해외논문] Tunnel face stability under seepage flow conditions

Tunnelling and underground space technology, v.43, 2014년, pp.459 - 469  

Perazzelli, P. ,  Leone, T. ,  Anagnostou, G.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The present paper investigates the problem of the stability of the tunnel face under seepage flow conditions based upon the so-called ''method of slices''. This computational model improves the limit equilibrium method of Anagnostou and Kovari (1996) by treating the equilibrium in the wedge consiste...


참고문헌 (14)

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  13. Felsbau Vermeer 20 6 8 2002 Tunnel heading stability in drained ground 

  14. Zingg 2012 The Effects of Advance Drainage on Face Stability in Homogeneous Ground 

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