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Effectiveness of a thermal labyrinth ventilation system using geothermal energy: A case study of an educational facility in South Korea

Energy for sustainable development : the journal of the International Energy Initiative, v.23, 2014년, pp.150 - 164  

Song, S.Y. ,  Song, J.H. ,  Lim, J.H.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ventilation is essential to maintaining a healthy indoor environment. However, during the summer and winter seasons, the temperature of the outdoor air can be so extreme that providing adequate ventilation requires a significant amount of energy. Consequently, an energy-efficient ventilation system ...


참고문헌 (20)

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  2. Build Environ Al-Ajmi 41 235 2006 10.1016/j.buildenv.2005.01.027 The cooling potential of earth-air heat exchangers for domestic buildings in a desert climate 

  3. American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 2002 ASHRAE duct fitting database 

  4. ASHRAE 2009 ASHRAE handbook 2009 fundamentals 

  5. Daniels 1997 The technology of ecological buildings 

  6. Eurovent/Cecomaf WG 6C 2005 Eurovent 6/8, Recommendations for calculations of energy consumption for air handling units 

  7. Korea Electric Power Corp 

  8. Korea Price Information Corp 

  9. J Korean Assoc Air Cond Refrig Sanit Eng Kwon 27 6 44 2010 Applicability evaluation of ventilation control system according to building use 

  10. Labs 206 1989 Passive cooling Earth coupling 

  11. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) 2011 EnergyPlus engineering reference 

  12. Energy Build Lee 40 486 2008 10.1016/j.enbuild.2007.04.003 The cooling and heating potential of an earth tube system in buildings 

  13. Lee 1281 2005 Proceedings of the Society of Air-conditioning and Refrigerating Engineers of Korea Summer Conference An analysis of reduction effect on energy consumption using thermal labyrinth in building 

  14. Min 2009 Effectiveness on soil temperature of KMA as ground heat source using CFD simulation-focused on decreased temperature of fresh air in the pit 

  15. Seoul City Gas Co 

  16. J Korean Green Build Counc Son 9 4 33 2008 Application case and performance analysis of fresh air load reduction system by using geothermal energy 

  17. Korean J Assoc Air Cond Refrig Eng Son 16 11 1092 2004 Study on fresh air load reduction system by using geothermal energy-effect of opening configuration on thermal characteristic and air pattern 

  18. Korean J Assoc Air Cond Refrig Eng Son 22 9 628 2010 A study on the simplified method for the prediction of cooling and heating effect in a fresh air load reduction system by using geothermal energy 

  19. Song 2011 Energy efficiency and economic analysis of thermal labyrinth system utilizing geothermal energy for conditioning the outdoor air for ventilation 

  20. White 2004 Fluid mechanics 


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