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[해외논문] Mentoring librarians for scholarly publishing

IFLA journal, v.40 no.2, 2014년, pp.120 - 126  

Namhila, Ellen Ndeshi (University of Namibia)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper illustrates the experiences of the University of Namibia (UNAM) Library in demonstrating that librarians in its employment are, indeed, academic staff by research and publications and by performing academic support functions for researchers, students, faculties and centres. This was teste...


참고문헌 (19)

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  7. Fagan, Jody. Students' Perceptions of Academic Librarians. The reference librarian, vol.37, no.78, 131-148.

  8. Empowering People Collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries Hangula L 2013 

  9. 10.5860/crl_38_02_129 

  10. Human Resource Development Project at the University of Namibia Library: Completion Report (2013) Prepared by Iivonen M., Sinikara K., Namhila E., Pirttiniemi E., Toivonen L., Ndinoshiho J. Helsinki: University of Helsinki. 

  11. Empowering People: Collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries Iivonen M 2012 

  12. Journal of Education for Library and Information Science Macauley P 68 50 2 2009 

  13. Mavodza, Judith. The academic librarian and the academe. New library world, vol.112, no.9, 446-451.

  14. User perceptions of library services at the University of Namibia Matengu K 2008 

  15. Empowering people: collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries Namhila EN 17 2012 

  16. Shatona Kahengua Kafita (2010) Funding Proposal for Capacity Building of the University of Namibia (UNAM) Library Staff. Windhoek: University of Namibia. 

  17. Shatona M (2013) Experiences of UNAM Library Staff on the Collaboration Partnership with Colleagues from Universities in Finland, Speech delivered at the Launch of the book titled Empowering People: Collaboration between Finnish and Namibian University Libraries. Wednesday, 27 March 2013 in the UNAM Library Auditorium. Windhoek: University of Namibia. 

  18. Subject librarians position description framework . http://staffweb.lib.washington.edu/units/cms/sl-portal/knowing/position-description-framework). Accessed on 3.8.2013. 

  19. University of Namibia Library (2008) University of Namibia Library Staff Establishment. Windhoek, University of Namibia. 

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