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[해외논문] A survey of the main technology, biochemical and microbiological features influencing the concentration of biogenic amines of twenty Apulian and Sicilian (Southern Italy) cheeses 원문보기

International dairy journal, v.43, 2015년, pp.61 - 69  

Guarcello, R. ,  Diviccaro, A. ,  Barbera, M. ,  Giancippoli, E. ,  Settanni, L. ,  Minervini, F. ,  Moschetti, G. ,  Gobbetti, M.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Twenty Apulian and Sicilian cheeses were analysed for their concentrations of eight biogenic amines (BAs), free amino acids, pH, water activity, and subjected to microbiological characterisation. In addition, lactic acid bacteria isolated from cheeses were assayed for their capacity to generate BAs....

참고문헌 (41)

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