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LC Filter Design for On-Grid and Off-Grid Distributed Generating Units 원문보기

IEEE transactions on industry applications, v.51 no.2, 2015년, pp.1639 - 1650  

Lo Calzo, Giovanni (Dept. of Eng., Univ. Roma Tre, Rome, Italy) ,  Lidozzi, Alessandro (Dept. of Eng., Univ. Roma Tre, Rome, Italy) ,  Solero, Luca (Dept. of Eng., Univ. Roma Tre, Rome, Italy) ,  Crescimbini, Fabio (Dept. of Eng., Univ. Roma Tre, Rome, Italy)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper deals with the design procedure of an LC-based output filter for three-phase inverters to be used in both off-grid and on-grid scenarios. The aim of this procedure is to provide guidelines and component selection criteria for reducing the inverter output switching ripple in order to limit...


참고문헌 (17)

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