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[해외논문] Mechanical Properties of Concrete Mortar Based on Mixture of CRT Glass Cullet and Fluidized Fly Ash 원문보기

Procedia engineering, v.108, 2015년, pp.453 - 458  

Walczak, P. ,  Malolepszy, J. ,  Reben, M. ,  Rzepa, K.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

The problem with the waste from electric and electronic equipment (WEEE), consisting of about 80% of television sets and computers containing a cathode ray tube (CRT) have just begun to deal with. Cathode ray tubes (CRTs) are the video display components of televisions and computer monitors (EPA, 19...


참고문헌 (16)

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  11. Waste Management & Research Andreola 23 4 314 2005 10.1177/0734242X05054422 Cathode ray tube glass recycling: an example of clean technology 

  12. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, vol.12, No 6. Andreola 2007 10.1007/s11367-006-0289-x Recycling of EOL CRT glass into ceramic glaze formulations and its environmental impact by LCA approach, 

  13. Journal of the European Ceramic Society Andreola 23 827 2003 10.1016/S0955-2219(02)00210-8 

  14. Journal of Waste Management Volume 2013 Article ID Maschio 102519 8 2013 Recycling Glass Cullet from Waste CRTs for the Production of High Strength Mortars, 

  15. Struct. Concr. 2009 Parande 7 1 125 2009 10.1680/stco.2009.10.3.125 Metakaolin: a versatile material to enhance the durability of concrete - an overview 

  16. Appl. Clay Sci. 2009 Siddique 34 3-4 392 2009 10.1016/j.clay.2008.11.007 Influence of metakaolin on the properties of mortar and concrete: a review 

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