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[해외논문] WRF-Chem model sensitivity to chemical mechanisms choice in reconstructing aerosol optical properties

Atmospheric environment, v.115, 2015년, pp.604 - 619  

Balzarini, A. ,  Pirovano, G. ,  Honzak, L. ,  Zabkar, R. ,  Curci, G. ,  Forkel, R. ,  Hirtl, M. ,  San Jose, R. ,  Tuccella, P. ,  Grell, G.A.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

In the framework of the AQMEII initiative WRF-Chem has been applied over Europe adopting two chemical configurations for the calendar year 2010. The first one employed the RADM2 gas-phase chemistry and MADE/SORGAM aerosol module, while the second one implemented the CBM-Z gaseous parameterization an...


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