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Dipotassium glycyrrhizate via HMGB1 or AMPK signaling suppresses oxidative stress during intestinal inflammation

Biochemical pharmacology, v.97 no.3, 2015년, pp.292 - 299  

Vitali, R. ,  Palone, F. ,  Pierdomenico, M. ,  Negroni, A. ,  Cucchiara, S. ,  Aloi, M. ,  Oliva, S. ,  Stronati, L.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Aims: Oxidative stress and inflammation are always associated. Appropriate management of oxidative mediators may represent a therapeutic strategy to reduce inflammation, and use of antioxidant can be protective against inflammatory diseases. Glycyrrhizin (GL) plays an anti-inflammatory and antioxida...


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