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[국내논문] Genome sequence analysis of potential probiotic strain Leuconostoc lactis EFEL005 isolated from kimchi 원문보기

The journal of microbiology, v.53 no.5, 2015년, pp.337 - 342  

Moon, Jin Seok ,  Choi, Hye Sun ,  Shin, So Yeon ,  Noh, Sol Ji ,  Jeon, Che Ok ,  Han, Nam Soo

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Leuconostoc lactis EFEL005 (KACC 91922) isolated from kimchi showed promising probiotic attributes; resistance against acid and bile salts, absence of transferable genes for antibiotic resistance, broad utilization of prebiotics, and no hemolytic activity. To expand our understanding of the species,...

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