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[해외논문] Hydrogels With Integrin-Binding Angiopoietin-1–Derived Peptide, QHREDGS, for Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction 원문보기

Circulation. an American Heart Association Journal Heart failure, v.8 no.2, 2015년, pp.333 - 341  

Reis, Lewis A. (From the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (L.A.R., N.F., C.L., M.R.) and Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (L.L.Y.C., M.R.), University of Toronto, Canada) ,  Chiu, Loraine L.Y. (and Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network, Canada (J.W., A.M., R.-K.L.).) ,  Wu, Jun (From the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (L.A.R., N.F., C.L., M.R.) and Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (L.L.Y.C., M.R.), University of Toronto, Canada) ,  Feric, Nicole (and Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network, Canada (J.W., A.M., R.-K.L.).) ,  Laschinger, Carol (From the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (L.A.R., N.F., C.L., M.R.) and Department of Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry (L.L.Y.C., M.R.), University of Toronto, Canada) ,  Momen, Abdul (and Toronto General Research Institute, University Health Network, Canada (J.W., A.M., R.-K.L.).) ,  Li, Ren-Ke (From the Institute of Biomaterials and Biomedical Engineering (L.A.R., N.F., C.L., M.R.) and Department of) ,  Radisic, Milica

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Background—Hydrogels are being actively investigated for direct delivery of cells or bioactive molecules to the heart after myocardial infarction (MI) to prevent cardiac functional loss. We postulate that immobilization of the prosurvival angiopoietin-1–derived peptide, QHREDGS, to a c...


참고문헌 (46)

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