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[해외논문] Rapid Response Team for Behavioral Emergencies

Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association, v.16 no.2, 2010년, pp.93 - 100  

Loucks, Jeannine (St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, CA, USA,) ,  Rutledge, Dana N. (St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, CA, USA, California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA, USA) ,  Hatch, Beverly (St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, CA, USA) ,  Morrison, Victoria (St. Joseph Hospital, Orange, CA, USA)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Behaviors of patients with psychiatric illness who are hospitalized on nonbehavioral health units can be difficult to address by staff members. Instituting a rapid response team to proactively de-escalate potential volatile situations on nonpsychiatric units in a hospital allows earlier treatment o...

참고문헌 (21)

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  15. ROSS, C. A., GOLDNER, E. M.. Stigma, negative attitudes and discrimination towards mental illness within the nursing profession: a review of the literature. Journal of psychiatric and mental health nursing, vol.16, no.6, 558-567.

  16. Thomas, Kim, Force, Mary VanOyen, Rasmussen, Debbie, Dodd, Dee, Whildin, Susan. Rapid Response Team. Critical care nurse, vol.27, no.1, 20-27.

  17. Titler, Marita G., Kleiber, Charmaine, Steelman, Victoria J., Rakel, Barbara A., Budreau, Ginette, Everett, Linda Q., Buckwalter, Kathleen C., Tripp-Reimer, Toni, Goode, Colleen J.. The Iowa Model of Evidence-Based Practice to Promote Quality Care. Critical care nursing clinics of North America, vol.13, no.4, 497-509.

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  19. Wand, Timothy, Fisher, Jacklin. The mental health nurse practitioner in the emergency department: An Australian experience. International journal of mental health nursing, vol.15, no.3, 201-208.

  20. Woo, B.K.P., Chan, V.T., Ghobrial, N., Sevilla, C.C.. Comparison of two models for delivery of services in psychiatric emergencies. General hospital psychiatry, vol.29, no.6, 489-491.

  21. Zolnierek, Cindy Diamond. Non-psychiatric hospitalization of people with mental illness: systematic review. Journal of advanced nursing, vol.65, no.8, 1570-1583.

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