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[해외논문] Effects of Reciprocal Peer Counseling on College Student Personality Development

Journal of the American College Health Association, v.27 no.4, 1979년, pp.210 - 213  

McWilliams, Spencer A.

초록이 없습니다.

참고문헌 (23)

  1. The Nonprofessional Revolution in Mental Health Sobey F 1970 

  2. Rioch, Margaret J.. Changing concepts in the training of therapists.. Journal of consulting psychology, vol.30, no.4, 290-292.

  3. Amer Scientist Cowen E L 723 59 1971 

  4. Cowen, E L. Social and Community Interventions. Annual review of psychology, vol.24, 423-472.

  5. Social Work Riessman F 27 10 1965 

  6. McWilliams, Spencer A., Finkel, Norman J.. High school students as mental health aides in the elementary school setting.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, vol.40, no.1, 39-42.

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  14. Companionship therapy Goodman G 1972 

  15. Innovations in Helping Chronic Patients: College Students in a Mental Institution Rappaport J 1971 

  16. Elementary Counselor's Manual Jackins H 1962 

  17. Nichols, Michael P.. Outcome of brief cathartic psychotherapy.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, vol.42, no.3, 403-410.

  18. Group Organ Stud Knapp R R 197 1 1976 

  19. Advances in Psychological Assessment Knapp R R 4 1977 

  20. FIRO: A Three-Dimensional Theory of Interpersonal Behavior Schutz W C 1958 

  21. Allen, Jon G., Hamsher, J. Herbert. The development and validation of a test of emotional styles.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, vol.42, no.5, 663-668.

  22. Bem, Sandra L.. The measurement of psychological androgyny.. Journal of consulting and clinical psychology, vol.42, no.2, 155-162.

  23. Sakoda, James M., Cohen, Burton H., Beall, Geoffrey. Test of significance for a series of statistical tests.. Psychological bulletin, vol.51, no.2, 172-175.

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