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[해외논문] Oxidative and Molecular Responses in Capsicum annuum L. after Hydrogen Peroxide, Salicylic Acid and Chitosan Foliar Applications 원문보기

International journal of molecular sciences, v.14 no.5, 2013년, pp.10178 - 10196  

Mejía-Teniente, Laura (Biosystems Engineering Group, School of Engineering, Queretaro Autonomous University, C.U Cerro de las Campanas, S) ,  de Dalia Durán-Flores, Flor (taro, Queré) ,  Chapa-Oliver, Angela María (taro, Mexico) ,  Torres-Pacheco, Irineo (E-Mails: lauralyo@yahoo.com.mx (L.M.-T.)) ,  Cruz-Hernández, Andrés (dalia.azul@gmail.com (F.D.D.-F.)) ,  González-Chavira, Mario M. (angellox2040@hotmail.com (A.M.C.-O.)) ,  Ocampo-Velázquez, Rosalía V. (irineo.torres@uaq.mx (I.T.-P.)) ,  Guevara-González, Ramón G. (andrex1998@hotmail.com (A.C.-H.))

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is an important ROS molecule (Reactive oxygen species) that serves as a signal of oxidative stress and activation of signaling cascades as a result of the early response of the plant to biotic stress. This response can also be generated with the application of elicitors, sta...


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