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The Challenge of Coming to Terms with the Use of a New Digital Assistive Device: A Case Study of Two Persons with Mild Dementia 원문보기

The open nursing journal, v.5, 2011년, pp.102 - 110  

Karlsson, Eva (Department of Health Science, Luleå) ,  Axelsson, Karin (University of Technology, Sweden) ,  Zingmark, Karin (Department of Health Science, Luleå) ,  Sävenstedt, Stefan (University of Technology, Sweden)

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

There is an increased interest in supporting persons with dementia with technical services in daily life. The aim of this case study was to explore the complex issues involved in the process from a user driven development to the acceptance and usage of a new digital assistive device for persons with...


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