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[해외논문] Kaolin exogenous application boosts antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in berries and leaves of grapevine under summer stress

Journal of plant physiology, v.191, 2016년, pp.45 - 53  

Dinis, L.T. ,  Bernardo, S. ,  Conde, A. ,  Pimentel, D. ,  Ferreira, H. ,  Felix, L. ,  Geros, H. ,  Correia, C.M. ,  Moutinho-Pereira, J.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Heat waves, high light intensities and water deficit are becoming important threats in many important viticultural areas worldwide, so the implementation of efficient and cost-effective mitigation strategies is crucial for the production of premium wines while maintaining productivity. In this conte...


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