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A Study on the Optimization of an HTS Quadrupole Magnet System for a Heavy Ion Accelerator Through Evolution Strategy

IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity : a publication of the IEEE Superconductivity Committee, v.26 no.4, 2016년, pp.1 - 4  

Zhan Zhang ,  Sangjin Lee ,  Hyun Chul Jo ,  Do Gyun Kim ,  Jongwon Kim

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This paper attempted to use a high-temperature superconductor (HTS) quadrupole magnet in a heavy ion accelerator. In such application, HTS quadrupole magnets are superior to conventional superconducting magnets because their heat loads can be removed more efficiently. Generally, the magnetic field q...


참고문헌 (10)

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  5. Wei, Shaoqing, Lee, Sangjin. Comparison analysis of superconducting solenoid magnet systems for ECR ion source based on the evolution strategy optimization. Progress in superconductivity and cryogenics : PSAC, vol.17, no.2, 36-40.

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  7. 10.1002/9783527635467 

  8. Recent Advances in Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences Pole shape optimization in multipole magnet kalimov 2014 358 

  9. Engineering design of HTS quadrupole for FRIB cozzolino 0 

  10. Zhang, Zhan, Lee, Sangjin, Jo, Hyun Chul, Kim, Do Gyun, Kim, Jongwon. Magnetic field characteristics from HTS quadruple magnet of in-flight separator for a heavy ion accelerator. Progress in superconductivity and cryogenics : PSAC, vol.17, no.3, 23-27.

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