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[해외논문] Mechanical activation-assisted autoclave processing and sintering of HfB2-HfO2 ceramic powders

Ceramics international, v.42 no.13, 2016년, pp.14642 - 14655  

Akcamli, N. ,  Agaogullari, D. ,  Balci, O. ,  Ovecoglu, M.L. ,  Duman, I.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

This study reports on the synthesis and consolidation of HfB2-HfO2 ceramic powders via mechanical activation-assisted autoclave processing followed by pressureless sintering (PS) or spark plasma sintering (SPS). HfCl4, B2O3 and Mg starting powders were mechanically activated for 5min to obtain homog...


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