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[해외논문] Multicomponent, multitarget integrated adjustment - Metabolomics study of Qizhiweitong particles curing gastrointestinal motility disorders in mice induced by atropine

Journal of ethnopharmacology, v.189, 2016년, pp.14 - 21  

Chang, X. ,  Wang, S. ,  Bao, Y.r. ,  Li, T.j. ,  Yu, X.m. ,  Meng, X.s.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Ethnopharmacological relevance: Qizhiweitong particles (QZWT) which is derived from the Sinisan decoction in Shang Han Za Bing Lun, composed of Bupleurum chinenis, Paeonia obovata, Citrus aurantium L., Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch., Cyperus rotundus and Rhizoma Corydalis is a traditional Chinese medi...


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