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Radiation protection dosimetry, v.170 no.1/4, 2016년, pp.416 - 419  

Potiriadis, C. ,  Kehagia, K. ,  Kolovou, M. ,  Nikolaki, M. ,  Xarchoulakos, D. ,  Mitrakos, D. ,  Ntalla, E.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Following the nuclear accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant on 11 March 2011, during the period 17 March to 25 October 2011, a total of 22 Greek citizens were measured after their return to Greece. Artificial radionuclides were detected in 5 of the 22 measured individuals by whole bo...

참고문헌 (11)

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  2. HAYANO, Ryugo S., TSUBOKURA, Masaharu, MIYAZAKI, Makoto, SATOU, Hideo, SATO, Katsumi, MASAKI, Shin, SAKUMA, Yu. Internal radiocesium contamination of adults and children in Fukushima 7 to 20 months after the Fukushima NPP accident as measured by extensive whole-body-counter surveys. Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series B, physical and biological sciences, vol.89, no.4, 157-163.

  3. Hayano, Ryugo S, Watanabe, Yuni N, Nomura, Shuhei, Nemoto, Tsuyoshi, Tsubokura, Masaharu, Hanai, Tatsuo, Kumemoto, Yuki, Kowata, Satoshi, Oikawa, Tomoyoshi, Kanazawa, Yukio. Whole-body counter survey results 4 months after the Fukushima Dai-ichi NPP accident in Minamisoma City, Fukushima. Journal of radiological protection : official journal of the Society for Radiological Protection, vol.34, no.4, 787-799.

  4. Potiriadis, C., Anagnostakis, M. J., Clouvas, A., Eleftheriadis, K., Florou, E., Housiadas, C., Ioannides, K., Ioannidou, A., Karangelos, D. I., Karfopoulos, K. L., Kehagia, K., Kolovou, M., Kritidis, P., Manolopoulou, M., Papastefanou, K., Savva, M. I., Simopoulos, S. E., Stamoulis, K., Stoulos, S., Xanthos, S., Xarchoulakos, D.. Environmental measurements and inspections on imported foods and feedstuffs in Greece after the Fukushima accident. Radiation protection dosimetry, vol.156, no.4, 465-474.

  5. Carinou, E., Koukouliou, V., Budayova, M., Potiriadis, C., Kamenopoulou, V.. The calculation of a size correction factor for a whole-body counter. Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, vol.580, no.1, 197-200.

  6. Priest, N.D.. Radiation doses received by adult Japanese populations living outside Fukushima Prefecture during March 2011, following the Fukushima 1 nuclear power plant failures. Journal of environmental radioactivity, vol.114, 162-170.

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  9. International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) Publication No. 119. Compendium of Dose Coefficients based on ICRP Publication 60. Elsevier Health Sciences (2012). 

  10. Matsuda, Naoki, Morita, Naoko, Miura, Miwa, Yamauchi, Motohiro, Kudo, Takashi, Usa, Toshiro. Internal radioactivity of temporary residents in Fukushima within one year after the radiological accident. Journal of environmental and occupational science, vol.2, no.3, 123-.

  11. Sci. Reports, Tokonami 2 507 2012 10.1038/srep00507 Thyroid doses for evacuees from the Fukushima nuclear accident 

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