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[해외논문] Cynanchum wilfordii Radix attenuates liver fat accumulation and damage by suppressing hepatic cyclooxygenase-2 and mitogen-activated protein kinase in mice fed with a high-fat and high-fructose diet

Nutrition research, v.36 no.9, 2016년, pp.914 - 924  

Jang, S.A. ,  Lee, S. ,  Sohn, E.H. ,  Yang, J. ,  Park, D.W. ,  Jeong, Y.J. ,  Kim, I. ,  Kwon, J.E. ,  Song, H.S. ,  Cho, Y.M. ,  Meng, X. ,  Koo, H.J. ,  Kang, S.C.

Abstract AI-Helper 아이콘AI-Helper

Excessive consumption of fat and fructose augments the pathological progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease through hepatic fibrosis, inflammation, and hepatic de novo lipogenesis. We hypothesized that supplementation with Cynanchum wilfordii extract (CWE) decreases fat accumulation in the l...


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