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Asbestos, asbestosis, and cancer: The Helsinki criteria for diagnosis and attribution. Critical need for revision of the 2014 update

American journal of industrial medicine, v.60 no.5, 2017년, pp.411 - 421  

Baur, Xaver (Charité) ,  Woitowitz, Hans‐Joachim (University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany) ,  Budnik, Lygia T. (Justus Liebig University, Giessen, Aulweg, Germany) ,  Egilman, David (European Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Berlin, Germany) ,  Oliver, Christine (Alpert School of Medicine Brown University, Attleboro, Massachusetts) ,  Frank, Arthur (Massachusetts General Hospital) ,  Soskolne, Colin L. (Drexel University School of Public Health and College of Medicine, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) ,  Landrigan, Philip J. (University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada) ,  Lemen, Richard A. (Department of Environmental Medicine and Public Health, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York)

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